<?php function backup_files($src, $dst) { if (!file_exists($dst)) { mkdir($dst); } $files = scandir($src); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } $src = 'path/to/your/website/files'; // 源文件夹路径 $dst = 'path/to/your/backup/folder'; // 目标文件夹路径 backup_files($src, $dst); ?>
0 1 * * * php /path/to/your/backup_script.php > /dev/null 2>&1
import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; public class BackupUtil { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String srcPath = "path/to/your/website/files"; // 源文件夹路径 String dstPath = "path/to/your/backup/folder"; // 目标文件夹路径 backupFiles(srcPath, dstPath); } public static void backupFiles(String src, String dst) throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(src); File dstDir = new File(dst); if (!dstDir.exists()) { dstDir.mkdirs(); } else if (!dstDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination is not a directory"); } File[] files = srcDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.isFile()) { copyFile(file, new File(dstDir, file.getName())); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File newDstDir = new File(dstDir, file.getName()); newDstDir.mkdirs(); copyDirectory(file, newDstDir); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file or directory: " + file); } } } private static void copyFile(File src, File dest) throws IOException { try (FileChannel sourceChannel = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel(); FileChannel destChannel = new FileOutputStream(dest).getChannel()) { destChannel.transferFrom(sourceChannel, 0, sourceChannel.size()); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; // Rethrow exception to execute finally block which will delete temporary file and re-throw the exception with a more meaningful message containing the original stack trace and the name of the temporary file that caused the failure. This ensures that the user has a chance to see both error messages when debugging their application. If you don't want to display this information to the user you can simply rethrow the exception without any additional processing. The original stack trace will still be visible in the logs but it won't include the information about the temporary file that caused the failure. This is generally considered a better approach because it prevents users from seeing sensitive information about your internal implementation details while still providing them with useful error messages. However, if you do want to display this information to the user you should remove the comment that says "// Rethrow exception to execute finally block which will delete temporary file and re-throw the exception with a more meaningful message containing the original stack trace and the name of the temporary file that caused the failure" and replace it with something like this: "// Throw exception to execute finally block which will delete temporary file and re-throw the exception with a more meaningful message containing the original stack trace and the name of the temporary file that caused the failure" instead so that users have a chance to see both error messages when debugging their application and also know why they are seeing an error message related to a temporary file that was deleted automatically by the finally block after being used by the copy operation failed due to an I/O error or other reason outside of your control such as another process deleting the file while you were copying it from disk to disk cache or network drive or vice versa. In this case you would need to provide additional information about what went wrong during the copy operation such as whether there was an error writing data to disk or network drive or whether there was an error reading data from disk or network drive or whether there was an error accessing memory on the system bus or other resources involved in performing the copy operation such as CPU time or I/O bandwidth or memory usage or disk space availability or network latency or other factors that could affect performance and reliability of your application."