<?php header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); ?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Article { private String title; private String url; public Article(String title, String url) { this.title = title; this.url = url; } // Getter and Setter methods for title and url } public class SitemapGenerator { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Article> articles = getArticlesFromDatabase(); // 从数据库或其他数据源获取文章列表的逻辑 generateSitemap(articles); // 将文章列表添加到站点地图中 } }
private static void generateSitemap(List<Article> articles) { XmlBuilder xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder(); for (Article article : articles) { xmlBuilder.startElement("url") .addAttribute("loc", article.getUrl()) .addElement("lastmod", getLastModifiedDate(article)) // 获取文章最后修改时间的逻辑 .endElement(); } }
private static String getLastModifiedDate(Article article) { // 根据文章对象获取最后修改时间的逻辑,例如从数据库查询或者通过API调用等 }
AddHandler sitemap_xml index.php SitemapIndex index.xml sitemap.xml lastmod.xml changefreq.xml priority.xml imagemap_xslt.xsl sitemapindex.xml sitemapindex_xslt.xsl robotstxt_xslt.xsl add_headers mod_rewrite.c php5_mod_rewrite.so mod_rewrite_module php7_mod_rewrite.so mod_xsendfile_module xsendfile_module mime_module fileinfo_module gd_module exif_read_data_module curl module curl_ssl module inet_pton_module inet_pton inet_ntop inet6_pton inet6_ntop idn inet_ntoa inet_aton idna inet_fromaton idna_convert inet_parse_address inet_ntop6 inet6_parse_address inet6_ntop6 inet6_fromin6 inet6_getoptinet6 inet6_ndhost inet6_ndport inet6_makeaddr inet6_ntop4arpa inet6rfc3505v2 inet6rfc3513 v2raw inet6rfc4193 v4mapped v4int rfc3986 urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode urldecode_plus urlencode_plus escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd realpath chroot chgrp chmod lchown stat umask setuid setgid opendir readdir closedir popen proc_open proc_close proc_terminate exec system calloc call free declare define include require require_once use libiconv iconv setlocale LC_* bindtextdomain textdomain emalloc efree expmt realpathconf strstr strtok stream_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_get_contents stream_select socket_create socket_bind socket_listen socket_accept socket_connect socket_sendto socket_recv socket_close fsockopen fopen fread fwrite fclose ftell fseek fileno tmpfile tmpnam flock lock unlink link rename delete touch isset gettype __autoload get_called_class get_class get_parent_class get_classnames get_declared_classes defined constant gettype gettypeg variable gettypevars getini max() min() array slice iterator count exists next key current valid iterate rewind append prepend offset set iterator foreach endforeach function call class classname method property __call __callstatic __construct __destruct __clone __wakeup __sleep __isset __unset array splice merge sort ksort asort reset vector iterator rewind iterator enditerator hash map hashval hashes hashkey hashvals array values keys keyvals count elements clear append push unshift shift pop extract extractIterator extractFlags setFlags setIterator setArrayIterator setKeyIterator setValueIterator setFlagsIterator insert insertIterator insertFlags replace replaceIterator replaceFlags appendIterator appendFlags remove removeIterator removeFlags countValues countIterator countKeys countPairs arrayToHash mapToArray arrayToKeys arrayToValues join joinIterator joinFlags split splitIterator splitFlags reverse reverseIterator reverseFlags flip flipIterator flipFlags